A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

Every year, the World Cup is played with a new ball. That makes it unique—after all, few other sports reinvent the wheel every four years. But this element of uncertainty is also exciting, and it means that soccer ball technology has come a long, long way since the 1930s—when World Cup balls were still inflated through tie-up laces.

After The New York Times published an awesome interactive on the history of soccer ball design this weekend, we decided to take a look at each ball in succession—drawing from World Cup Balls, an incredible encyclopedic website that the NYT sourced from. There, Peter Pesti collects and describes how ball technology has evolved over the generations.

The difference between the leather bladders of the 1930s and the high-performance materials of today are pretty stunning.

1930 World Cup in Uruguay

The very first World Cup used balls made in the country that was spreading the sport through the world: England. There were two types of laced balls used in the games, and the one you see below, the “T-Model,” got its name from the distinctive t-shaped panel on its sides.


A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

Image: World Cup Balls.









The 1934 World Cup in Italy

By 1934, soccer was booming all over the world, and plenty of manufacturers in other countries were making balls, too. According to Pesti, the fevered nationalism of Mussolini-era Italy “required” that the balls used in their World Cup be made in Italy. Hence the Federale 102: a 13-panel lace-up ball made in Italy.

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

Image: World Cup Balls.


1938 World Cup in France

French World Cup, French soccer ball: The Paris-manufactured Allen, a 13-panel ball with laces—which were how these early balls were inflated, before the era of valves. It seems that other models were used in the matches, too, though there’s no way to say how many.

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

Image: World Cup Balls.


1950 World Cup in Brazil

In the 1930s, an Argentinean company called Tossolini had made a breakthrough: A ball with a hidden valve that could be pumped into shape, rather than manually blown up through laces. But it took two decades for FIFA to accept the new design, and it wasn’t until the 1950 World Cup that it saw play.

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930


Image: World Cup Balls.


1954 World Cup in Switzerland

This Swiss-made ball was unique for its zig-zag edges, which were sewn together by hand, of course. The ball, like all official balls in those days, was completely free of printing and branding.

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

Image: World Cup Balls.


1958 World Cup in Sweden

This was the first year that FIFA selected its ball based on a competition. The winner in the randomized trial of more than 100 balls was a Swedish company called Sydsvenska Laderoch Remfabriken, who supplied a ball called Top Star notable for its waterproof waxed surface.

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

Image: World Cup Balls.


1962 World Cup in Chile

This ball was known as “the Crack.” It was unique in the sense that its surface was composed of 18 irregular polygonal shapes, which gave it a complicated look. Here’s the iconic PelĂ© kicking it around:

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 1930

Image: World Cup Balls.


1966 World Cup in England

This ball, made by a British company of course, represents the end of an era: After 1966, Adidas took over the job of designing and manufacturing World Cup Balls. This baby was made of 25 rectangular panels and, notably, still adhered to the rule that there should be no markings or branding on the ball. Oh, how things have changed.

A Brief History of Every Official World Cup Ball Since 19301