Friday, March 21, 2014

What Real Men do?

Since the last couple of weeks, @gapingvoid started one of the most humorous monologues on Twitter that I have ever heard. He decided to talk about what Real Men do. Here is the complete list for you to enjoy. Do let me know your thoughts about it, what do you think that Real Men do?

1. Real Men don’t get defensive when they learn that not everybody shares their enthusiasm for Apple products.

2. Real Men don’t confuse phrases like “Real Men don’t have to worry about whether they’re being.

3. Real Men” with original thought.

4. Real Men don’t throw a hissy fit when some A-Lister fails to reply to their unsolicited, 6,000 word email.

5. Real Men don’t fantasize about traffic spikes while they’re beating off.

6. Real Men have s** more often than they get onto Techmeme.

7. Real Men don’t blame their business failures on bloggers with more traffic than them.

8. Real Men don’t “Open Source” the lint in their navels.

9. Real Men don’t sigh like teenagers while watching other men trying to make an honest living.

10.Real Men don’t “follow all the interesting conversations on Friendfeed” when they should be schtuppin’ their wives.

11. Real Men don’t have to wipe off their keyboard with a Kleenex after every time they read a news story about Apple.

12. Real Men never pretend that their personal blog “belongs to my community”.

13. Real Men don’t Twitter while their girlfriends are giving them head.

14. Real Men never use use the phrase, “Interesting Conversations” to justify their lame-ass online addiction.

15. Real Men don’t blog about blogging.

16. Real Men like BJs and beer more than they like Facebook and Friendfeed.

17. Real Men don’t worry about whether Real Men use Twitter or not.

18. Real Men don’t give a rat’s a** if you prefer Linux over Windows.

19. Real Men actually spend time AWAY from their computers.

20. Real Men don’t play “Armchair Quarterback”.

21. Real Men don’t cry like schoolgirls every time another blogger starts making real money.

22. Real Men don’t confuse Cluetrain with Religion.

23. Real Men don’t linkbait.

24. Real Men don’t confuse “Getting mentioned on @Techcrunch” with “Having a real business model”.

25. Real Men don’t care if their story fails to make it onto @techmeme.

26. Real Men don’t ask for sympathy f**** online.

27. Real Men don’t have to ask for clarification on every detail, no matter how trivial.

28. Real Men don’t care if it’s a Walled Garden.

29. Real Men don’t tweet REALLY OBVIOUS jokes that have already been tweeted 6-8 times

before in the last 2 minutes.

30. Real Men never say, “If it doesn’t have comments, it isn’t a real blog”.

31. Real Men don’t leave comments.

32. Real Men don’t wait overnight in line to get into the Apple Store.

33. Real Men don’t even know who Jerry Yang is.

34. Real Men don’t make it to the top of Techmeme.

35. Real Men don’t use the phrase, “Quality Content”.

36. Real Men don’t care if you’re blog doesn’t have as much “quality content” as it used to.

37. Real Men don’t have “Personal Brands”.

38. Real Men do not confuse “a new paradigm” with “please give me your money”.

39. Real Men don’t open-source the name of their firstborn.

40. Real Men don’t measure their self-worth in terms of whuffie.

41. Real Men don’t give a flying f*** what the business model is.

42. Real Men don’t spend 8 hours a day on Friendfeed, “because that’s where all the interesting conversations are…”.

[Update : Hugh MacLeod just updated that #2 and #3 are actually a single thought.]

What Real Men do?

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